Wendy is a very sweet girl who loves toys! She came into the shelter with no hair on her back half. The medical team did blood work and discovered she is hypothyroid. She would need medication to regulate this for the rest of her life. Wendy was placed on rescue only in the hope a rescue could begin medication and find her the right home. She became stressed in the kennel, so the Kennel Manager at the shelter allowed her to stay in her office. Wendy did much better there and became a favorite of staff and volunteers. move to Act pledged from our Moore Life Medical Fund to help this special girl find a rescue. One of the volunteers at the shelter decided to foster and Canine Castaways agreed to rescue her and get her started on her medication. We are happy to report Wendy has already been adopted! Thank you for supporting our Moore Life Medical Fund and making happy stories like this possible! If you would like to make a contribution, please visit http://www.movetoact.