


Poor Roo was seven years old when she was found living in poor conditions in a house with many other dogs. It was easy to see the dogs had not been well cared for. All were flea-infested, had itchy, yeasty skin, sparse fur, and overgrown nails. They were also very fearful. Roo was so fearful, she would barely untuck her tail. Volunteers worked with Roo, but the shelter environment was just too scary for her to feel comfortable enough to come out of her shell. She waited on the rescue list with no interest until she was given a “must have rescue by” date. move to Act pledged from our Last Chance Fund to help a rescue pay for her care. Fortunately, For Paws Sake Canine Rescue stepped up and saved her! They say she is very sweet and doing well in her foster home. Thank you for supporting our Last Chance Fund and helping to give Roo the opportunity to find a loving home where she can feel safe!