Malachi was found as a stray and never claimed. He is an energetic boy who was a little jumpy and mouthy, so he was placed on rescue only in the hope a rescue could work with him on handling prior to adoption. While at the shelter, poor Malachi‘s rectum prolapsed. The medical staff stitched it in hopes it would heal, but it prolapsed again when the stitches were taken out. They tried stitching it one more time, but it prolapsed yet again. Malachi was given a “must have rescue by” date, so he could get further care. Malachi remained his happy, playful, friendly self through all this and seemed no worse for wear! move to Act pledged from our Moore Life Medical Fund to help this deserving guy find a rescue. Malachi‘s date was two days before Christmas, and many rescues were full. In the late hours of his last day, it seemed no one would have a spot, but Shell of Canine Castaways could not let him die. She stepped up and committed to save him! A vet visit revealed Malachi‘s colon is not properly attached to his stomach walls. He is scheduled to have surgery to correct this issue, so he can live a happy life. Thank you to the supporters of the Moore Life Medical Fund for helping to save Malachi! If you would like to help us save the most at-risk animals in Indianapolis, please visit