


Poor Diego was found as a stray.  He had a broken leash, connected to an extension cord, tied around his neck. His rectum had prolapsed, so the shelter vet stitched it back in.  Unfortunately, when the stitches were removed, it prolapsed again.  This often happens in the busy shelter environment where dogs are stressed and over stimulated.  Diego was given an urgent “must have rescue by” date, as the vet was afraid his rectal tissue could go necrotic.  He needed more care than the shelter could provide, and he needed it as soon as possible!  Indy’s Voice for Animals pledged from our Last Chance Fund to help a rescue pay for his care.  Fortunately, Humane Society of the Dunes was able to find a foster for this happy, silly fellow!  He has already been to the vet, had his rectum stitched again, and is recovering in a foster home.  Foster homes offer a quieter, more relaxed environment where animals can be monitored closely, and this helps with recovery.  The rescue says he is a very sweet boy!  Thank you for supporting our Last Chance Fund and helping Diego get the care he so desperately needed!  If you would like to make a contribution, please visit https://indysvoice4animals.org/  You can also help by using Amazon Smile when shopping online.  Select move to Act for your charity of choice, and a percentage of your purchase will go to help an animal in need.