


Poor Marcum was abandoned in a pen outside a vacant house. He had no food or water, so an Animal Control Officer brought him to the shelter.  He was evaluated for the adoption floor but was a little timid with handling and did not pass his food bowl test.  He did lean in for affection and gave kisses when he got comfortable.  He also did well with other dogs in play group.  Marcum was placed on rescue only in the hope a rescuer could help him build confidence and work with him on guarding his food.  Marcum became very stressed in the shelter, and while vet staff were doing vaccines, he bit one of them.  It wasn’t a terrible bite but did break skin.  Marcum had to be quarantined for 10 days, and after that, he was given a “must have rescue by” date.  Indy’s Voice for Animals pledged from our Last Chance Fund to help.  Fortunately, Humane Society of the Dunes had a spot for this boy and rescued him!  He is now in foster and doing well.  Thank you to those of you who have donated to our Last Chance Fund and helped Marcum get a second chance!  If you would like to make a donation, please visit   You can also help when shopping online by using Amazon Smile.  Select move to Act for your charity of choice, and a percentage of your purchase will go to help an animal in need.