Ambrosia was found as a stray. She had demodex mange and possible allergies. This poor girl had been scratching and biting so much, due to her itchy skin, that she had open wounds and a lot of missing fur. She also had a yeast-based ear infection. In spite of all this, Ambrosia was very loving, friendly, and playful. She loves affection and giving kisses, is good on leash, and quiet in her kennel. The medical staff gave her Bravecto to treat the mange and began medication for her ears. She was placed on rescue only because she needed time to heal. She would also need further vet care to determine whether she had allergies. After a few weeks, her hair began to grow back, and she was feeling much better. Sadly, no rescue had shown interest in her. move to Act pledged from our Moore Life Medical Fund to help a rescue pay for her care. Allergies often require ongoing medication, and this expense can be a deterrent for some small rescues. Unleashed Love Pet Rescue stepped up and saved this sweet girl! She is doing well in foster and continuing to feel better each day. If you would like to see more happy stories like Ambrosia‘s, please visit http://www.movetoact.