Canines: SPCATB claims a Live Release Rate of 91%. The actual ASPCA calculation is 61%. A difference of 30%. 755 canines entered alive, destroyed and omitted from the calculation
Felines: SPCATB claims a Live Release Rate of 88%. The actual ASPCA calculation is75%. A difference of 13%. 352 felines entered alive, destroyed and omitted from the equation
Total Animals: SPCATB claims a Live Release Rate of 66%. The actual ASPCA calculation is 57%. A 9% difference. 1,261 total animals entered alive, destroyed and omitted from the equation.
ASPCA – American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCA Tampa Bay (SPCATB) – has NO association with the national organization
ORE – Owner Requested Euthanasia
ASPCA formula for calculating Live Release Rate (LRR): LRR= Live Outcomes divided by Live Intake. Page 5:
SPCATB formula for calculating Live Release Rate: LRR = Total Live Outcomes divided by (total Live Intake MINUS Owner Requested Euthanasia).
Many animals surrendered LIVE to the SPCATB are deemed “unadoptable”, consequently destroyed and recorded into the category “Owner Requested Euthanasia.” This category is liberally translated from the signed release from the owner/guardian of the animal.
(v) In the event OWNER fails to physically reclaim the animal within the forty-eight (48) hour reclamation period, and the animal has been determined to be unadoptable, then SPCA Tampa Bay shall then be authorized to humanly euthanize the animal.
The objective of using the twisted “Owner Request Euthanasia” category is 2-fold
- Killing an adoptable animal categorized as unadoptable is cheaper than providing shelter, care and rehoming
- Using the ORE category in the misleading SPCATB formulation falsely inflates the Live Release Rate
At the very bottom of the SPCATB’s report is “Live Release Rate (ASPCA Formula)” that seems to imply the agency uses ASPCA Calculation
The SPCATB uses its own calculation with the implication it uses the ASCPA Calculation to showcase a false adn elevated Live Release Rate.
The deceit is three-fold:
1. The public is led to believe a falsely elevated Live Release Rate
2. The public is led to believe the SPCATB is using the ASPCA calculation.
3. Owner Requested Euthanasia category is twisted trickery to vanish animals who are inconvenient for presenting a more favorable outcome.
The SPCATB deception continues, donations keep rolling in and the public remains uninformed.
The good hearted people of Pinellas County who “just want to help the animals” do not deserve to be misled by an organization that trolls for their donation dollars but manipulates its numbers to show favorable performance.
Share with your community and especially those who donate to local animal welfare organizations.
SPCATB stats:
SPCA Tampa Bay:
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