Nina Pulliam Charitable Trust
attn: Trustees Kent E. Agness, Lisa Kackley, Carol P. Schilling
135 North Pennsylvania Street
Suite 2000
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
February 20, 2019
Dear Trustees of the Nina Pulliam Charitable Trust,
In the last several months, the Indianapolis animal welfare community has witnessed renewed hope, enhanced efforts, and successes through the hard work and sacrifices of the small and often under-recognized all-volunteer animal rescue organizations. Thank you for supporting this effort.
The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust’s recent gifting to 13 of these hard-working groups was beautiful! Not only has it given these small organizations the resources they need to carry out their ministry of caring for at-risk animals and reduce their killing in central Indiana, it has also provided that invaluable and well-deserved intangible that has for too long passed them by: recognition.
As mentioned in our January 30, 2013 letter to the board,
“Central Indiana is blessed with a number of caring organizations, including many small all-volunteer rescues, which may not have strong name recognition but which work tirelessly on behalf of the animals. Donor dollars invested in them produce a high return.”
Especially refreshing is that the Pulliam Charitable Trust trustees have also respected and honored the spirit and integrity of Nina Pulliam by using the trust as it was designated to be used, for the animals.
Thank you for your confidence in and support of these worthy organizations. We salute you for acting as responsible stewards of this most honorable trust.
Warren G. Patitz
Vice President, Cofounder
Indy’s Voice 4 Animals / move to ACT