Proposals for breed specific legislation (BSL) seem to confirm German philosopher Georg Hegel’s point.

Two years ago (after a dog attack) Indianapolis entertained BSL. Again, a city county councilor feels the need to reintroduce a breed specific proposal in the name of “public safety.” Councilman Michael Speedy’s proposed legislation will be presented at the May12 Rules and Public Policy Committee in Indianapolis.

NUVO journalist Shawndra Miller’s article. “Banning “Bully breeds” reviews the ordinance here:

What does a council of knowledgeable authorities have to say about BSL?

“Following a severe attack, there is usually an outcry to do something, and the something that is done often reflects a knee-jerk response. Only later do officials realize that the response was not effective and, in fact, may have been divisive for the community.”

Which dogs bite?
“An often-asked question is what breed or breeds of dogs are most “dangerous”? This inquiry can be prompted by a serious attack by a specific dog, or it may be the result of media-driven portrayals of a specific breed as “dangerous.” Although this is a common concern, singling out 1 or 2 breeds for control can result in a false sense of accomplishment. Doing so ignores the true scope of the problem and will not result in a responsible approach to protecting a community’s citizens.”

“Dog bite statistics are not really statistics, and they do not give an accurate picture of dogs that bite.”

Read the full report:
“Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention” by the American Veterinary Medical Association Task Force on Canine Aggression and Human-Canine Interactions

In March, Miami Dade-County judge has ruled ‘pit bull’ ban “too vague.”

Two years after a pit bull ban in Auroro, CO., the total number of dog bites has gone up 26% (from 110-157). Of course media reporting seems to paint a different story to the readers.

Read more about what’s going on in other cities regarding dog ordinances:

Sit, Fetch, Stay or Die The Pit Bull Ambassador Program: Old Dogma, New Package

And take the time to visit Malcolm Gladwell’s “What pit bulls can teach us about profiling.”