Mark Martukovich, CPA, is an associate partner with the accounting firm of Fox and Associates. He also serves as a member of the SPCA Tampa Bay Board of Directors.

As readers of this blog know, we have been reporting on the controversial policies and practices of SPCA/TB CEO Martha Boden. We have also been sharing these posts with those who have a direct interest in the SPCA/TB dysfunction. Mark Martukovitch has been one of those recipients.

Yesterday we received an email from Martukovitch with the message “Remove”. Martukovitch’s request has been honored and acknowledged with our reply:

You’re removed, Mark. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear. A large
contingency of the community is encouraging you to remove Martha Boden as CEO of SPCA/TB and then … consider removing yourself from the board.

Martukovich is removed from the mailing list that reminded him that there was a new report on the travesty occurring on his watch at the SPCA. But he has not removed himself from accountability. As a director, he must own some responsibility for:

• Excessive spending of donor dollars on Boden’s $115K/yr salary
• Increased spending on top-heavy management salaries and benefits
• Decreased spending on animal care
• Empty kennels that could be sheltering dogs in need
• The inexperienced behaviorist making decisions that spell death for adoptable dogs
• The death of adoptable dogs turned away from the shelter full of empty kennels
• Forcing upon Pinellas County a reputation for allowing the local animal welfare industry to be hijacked and dominated by a CEO with a proven track record of failed policies and practices

Martukovich has replied to concerned citizens and even former SPCA donors with rude emails referring to their concerns as “nonsense,” telling them they are “blinded by ignorance,” and demanding that they stop emailing Board members.

Yes, the dismemberment of the SPCA/TB can be hard to read about. It must be even harder to keep reading about it when you know you should do something about it, but won’t.