In the famous fable, the emperor had his subjects so completely cowed that everyone went along with his fantasy. Only one small boy had the courage to speak the truth: that the emperor’s new clothes were, in fact, no clothes at all.

In an interview with WFLA’s Gayle Guyardo about the problems at SPCA Tampa Bay, CEO Martha Boden says it all boils down to change. “Change is how we do more good for animals.”

But a look at what’s happening reveals that Boden’s changes do nothing for the animals and everything for her. Her actions tell a different story:

“Change is how we do good for ME! Change is how I am using the SPCA as my private enterprise to command a $115,000+ annual salary and maintain a top-heavy administrative staff to raise the money under the guise of ‘doing good for animals’. Change is not negotiable. Challenge how we care for animals, and you’re in my way. That means you’re out.”

One has to wonder if there isn’t a release clause in Boden’s contract, approved by the SPCA / TB legal agent, that would fluff her bank account if she was released from her contract prematurely. When Boden left Indianapolis, HSI board member David Horth was asked about her severance package. “You wouldn’t want to know,” he replied.

Light is a great disinfectant. When the media shines light into the darkness of the leadership at SPCA/TB, it is not hard to recognize that board members’ silence is defending that darkness.

Does anyone on the SPCA Board of Directors have a conscience? Is there no one with the courage of that small boy to stand up and acknowledge that the empress is wearing no clothes?