The proposed budget cut for IACC by the public safety committee has drawn a great deal of attention from the animal welfare community.
The response is hard to ignore. Consider:

1. Monica North, who pens for the Examiner, “The animals of Indianapolis need you to be their voice” is the first journalist to get this right:

“If animals are deemed not adoptable for any reason (including a minor illness) or if space is needed for incoming animals, then they kill animals to make space.”

Ms North is very clear about this. They do not “put down.” They do not “euthanize.” They do not “put to sleep.” They (the city – with your tax dollar) kill animals for space.

The Humane Society of Indianapolis and the administration at IACC need to get this right: ADOPTABLE ANIMALS ARE KILLED FOR SPACE.

Why, at the 11th hour of a budget cut, is attention about what goes on (or not) at IACC just now coming to the attention of the public and the councillors? Maybe it’s because the self-delusion has coddled all with the “gently put to sleep” lullabye that is perpetuated by these agencies’ rhetoric. Get rid of these euphemisms. It’s time for adult conversation.

2. Congratulations to the animal welfare community (that generally remains self-restrained) for coming forward to address face-to-face the public safety committee tonight (09/14/11) about the embarrassing deficiency of the proposed IACC budget, those who proposed it and completely eliminated from the equation the IACC administrator.

Do the people responsible for this budget proposal need to be retired to the private sector?

Addendum 09/15/11

Animal Lovers Fight Indy Budget Cuts

Reporter Kara Kenney and anchor Todd Conner dismiss the euphemism “euthanize” and use accurate vocabulary in reporting the deaths of adoptable animals at Indianapolis Animal Care and Control.

“Thumbs up” to North, Kenney and Conner